This is the end, RIP FsK

From Forum Posting:

I’ve given up on rebuilding it’s just not worth it. Unless I wanted to run an endgame ls, people
wont stay and I just don’t have the time to do that.

I guess this for the most parts puts the final nail in the coffin as we are now down to 4 members.

so FsK is really dead lol.

But I will still be on it even if it is just me, and Rolo. (always been a major member and still is)
and thank you to Fig and Ray for always jumping on.

I’ll be closing the forum in the next few days so if there is anything you want ( pics ect. grab now or send an e-mail )

like I said I’m not recruiting but I will always be on the LS unless in godz runs.


Was a fun Trip!

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