is still alive, though our websites would indicate other wise lol.

99% of our communications are done using Line, and in the line chat room (
we currently are playing amny games but most of us are still playing Rage Of Bahamut, Diablo 3, and Destiny. We run under a few clan tags. Look for Hells Winter, as that is the current name, as well as DDM is still around.
Contest Posted in line:

Contest Time!
So I fell it’s time to hold another set of contests! We are going to have a three part contest!
-Contest one:

Submit up to 2 Rage of Bahamut Memes!
*Memes can be ether self-made or found
*Too submit your meme you will make a folder (your Name – Meme) and upload the file/files.
*(At least 8 people will need to participate) we have 14 in the group and at least 9 are fairly active
*Once everyone has submitted their entries, I we will all get to vote for our favorite 3 entry’s.
I will then tally all votes and the first place winner will get 20HP, if the person in 2nd place is not the same as the 1st place winner they get 5HP.

*Prize Recap 20HP (possible Bonus 5 HP)

-Contest 2 (will start after contest 1 concludes)
This will be just like our very first contest. However the winner of contest one will be co-judge with me.
*Just as before everyone finds and submit some pictures. However this time you will submit three (3).  *up to 5 per category*
-1. Anime image (Anime/Ecchi/ or Hentai) (submissions from our first contest cannot be
used again.)
-2. Cartoon image, non-Anime/Japanese  style (normal/or erotic).
-3 Asian Idol, Asian girls (Cosplay/Just damn Cute/or erotic )
*Too submit your pictures you will make a folder (your Name – Imagecon) and upload the file/files
*(At least 7 people will need to participate) we have 14 in the group and at least 9 are fairly active
*Again once everyone has submitted their entry’s the Co-judge and I will pick a winner for each category. (co-judge does not get to participate but will earn a 10HP for their services)

*Prize Recap:
Anime image winner = 15HP
Cartoon image winner =15HP
Asian Idol, Asian girl/s Winner=15HP
45HP in Prizes (Bonus 10HP goes to the Go Judge)

-Contest 3
Still in development (TBA Soon)
*Rewards Chose of ether:
-Anime Wall Scroll (item will be posted later)
-Ainime Prize Figure (item will be posted later)
-$25 Gift Card or Paypal transfer
nekAnd lastly We have also started a New Hentai/Ecchi room on line!

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